About the company DAYMOON a.s.
In 1993, after privatization, the company became part of the joint-stock company Omikron Praha and since 1994 it has existed as an independent joint-stock company DAYMOON.
Děčín-based joint-stock company Daymoon was established after privatization in 1994.
The history of the company began at the end of the last century. The wide range of original production included the metal production of small goods, light bulbs, dry cells, lamp cases, boxes and packaging for cosmetics, later also the production of umbrella parts and frames, bicycle saddles, etc.
The basis of current production is metal production (cold pressing), surface treatment by powder coating and blasting.
The technical background of the company enables the construction and subsequent production of tools and molds both for its own production and to order. The sale of products also includes the offer of special lamps, standard and energy-saving light bulbs and cells (batteries) of all types.